Thursday, January 29, 2009

Britney Spears says everybody wants to "F U C K Me"

wow, so i guess her career has dumped so far into the crapper that the only way she can get attention is to pull an old 2 Live Crew stunt from the 80's and put some "parental advisory" type lyrics in a song and get her chunky butt back in the news.

hey, it sells albums. kids eat up this kinda stuff like aderall, ritalin, and extacy.

but the interesting thing is how the line "If you seek Amy" doesnt even fit in the song as if to accidentally garner attention. It's just thrown in as a thinly if at all veiled way to have Disneys superstar gone retarded say that everybody wants to fuck me.

too funny. at least she has gone the way of the genie in a bottle and sold out the last remaining drop of fame she once had in an effort to get back on the news before she overdoses on something and fades into oblivion...

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The Mortgage Crisis

The mortgage crisis could not have been an accident. The people that "approved" the mortgages KNEW that:

  1. Were going to have prohibitive payments in 12 to 24 months
  2. Were going to be on property worth far less than what they sold for within 12 to 24 months
  3. Would be forclosed on because they couldn't sell for the amount of the mortgage

Bankers blame it on homeowners making bad decisions or not having foresight. However, those bankers get very uncomfortable when you point out that these mortgage were all approved by bankers that get PAID to know the market and it's trends.

When you point out that regular people like you and I saw this coming back in 2004/2005, they start to tap their fingers and look around nervously.

The short answer is that they set us up and we don't know "why".

Mortgages traditionally require people prove they can make the payments even when the market is not headed down. The banks knew exactly what they were doing...

The Media On It's Knees

Why is it that the mainstream media is clamoring on their knees in front of Obama as if their unwarranted affection will somehow lower his zipper and give them what they so desperately seem to want?