Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hillary Clinton Is Full Of Shit! (re Mexico)

Her points were flimsy misinformation which has been rehashed by various liberals that survive on a steady diet of "gee wiz, we need to idiot proof everything".

According to Hillary:

The mexican drug cartel violence and destabilization of the border region is the fault of America because (1) our drug demand dictates their drug trade and (2) ~98% of the weapons used are provided by Americans.

re(1):  The drug trade would not have achieved it's current level had border security been treated seriously.  Our governments need to placate big business interests by providing free labor ($3.00 per hour to replace a $25 per hour employee might as well be free).

re(2): If our 2nd amendment right is spilling over into Mexico like a plague, then maybe we need to refer back to (1) and acknowledge that BORDER SECURITY would have to be blamed (at least the lack of border security).

[Not to digress too much, but as she has inadvertently implied, Border Security is not just to protect America from Mexico.]

Additionally, she referred to the Assault Weapon Ban as having reduced crime.  This over simplification does not account for the fact that:

-Americans that legally buy assault weapons keep them.  They do not spend $1400+ on a weapon in order to secretly sell it for $400 to somebody taking it across the border (or into an American city to supply gangs).

-Many of the weapons (at least the ones that you see watching the news) are similar/identical to (and probably stolen from) the Mexican military & police.

In summary, she's full of shit because she's blaming the law abiding citizens of our country for the American government's failure to secure the border.  (mexicans and americans pay for this failure.)  Additionally, she's full of shit for getting on TV and lying to us by implying that preventing the sale of guns to law abiding citizens is the fuel of international gun trade.

On a more humorous note, the conspiracist would probably say that she's right that 98% of the weapons come from America and she probably has seen the receipts from the CIA shipments to prove it. *lol*  (sorry, had to throw that on in there at the last minute)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Interesting Visualization of the Credit Crisis

This is one of the more interesting methods of explaining the "credit crisis" that is in the news.

Are You A Domestic Terrorist?

[According to the following, I would be considered a Domestic Terrorist for accepting the Constitution of the United States of America.  It is an interesting read.]

Secret Report Targets Americans


Police Told Which Political Beliefs to Consider “Dangerous”



Lancaster, PA:  A secret police report targets millions of Americans as potential “domestic terrorists” if they support the Constitution, oppose unlawful taxation, supported 2008 presidential candidates Republican Ron Paul, Libertarian Bob Barr or Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin (Seen here on Lou Dobbs program ), or if they are opposed to abortion, are against unconstitutional gun control, if they display pro-Constitution bumper stickers or own copies of certain books and documentaries.


The report is part of an ongoing attempt by a number of organizations ( and movements to characterize law-abiding citizens as “white supremacists”, members of “hate groups” or, more recently as “terrorists”.


The report was generated by the Missouri Information Analysis Center


The Center is described as “the mechanism to collect incident reports of suspicious activities to be evaluated and analyzed in an effort to identify potential trends or patterns of terrorist or criminal operations within the state of Missouri.  MIAC will also function as a vehicle for two-way communication between federal, state and local law enforcement community within our region.”


The secret report, distributed to Missouri law enforcement, lists as dangerous legitimate organizations including those who follow a Constitutionally-based ideology in regard to states’ rights, firearm ownership, free speech and sanctity of life.


The Constitution Party , the fastest- growing third party, subscribes to the Constitutionally- based, limited role of the federal government and calls on members of all political ideologies to voice strong opposition to smear campaigns that demonize Americans because of their political beliefs.


The Constitution Party made numerous calls to MIAC and was told an “officer” would respond to questions regarding this report.


 No one at MIAC returned our calls.


The MIAC report states “rightwing” militia movements “continuously exploit world events in order to increase participation in their movements. Due to the current economical and political situation, a lush environment for militia activity has been created.”


The terms constitutionalist” and “white supremacist” are often used interchangeably.


Page 7 of the report warns law enforcement that “militia members most commonly associate with 3rd party political groups. It is not uncommon for militia members to display Constitutional [sic] Party, Campaign for Liberty or Libertarian material. These members are usually supporters of former presidential candidate:[sic] Ron Paul Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr.”


Issues of concern to those listed by MIAC as reason for law enforcement to label them “terrorists” include: Opposition to illegal immigration, implementation of RFID (radio frequency identification) and the planned merger of the US, Canada and Mexico (North American Union). The so-called “militia movement” contains people who own copies of the late Aaron Russo’s anti-tax documentary America: Freedom to Fascism.


Members of a so-called “patriot movement” are described as being “dangerous” to police in a section of the report titled “You Are the Enemy” which states:


“The militia subscribes to an anti-government and NWO mindset, which creates a threat to law enforcement officers. They view the military, National Guard, and law enforcement as a force that will confiscate their firearms and place them in FEMA concentration camps.”


The MIAC report distributed to Missouri law enforcement is  a more virulent version of a similar report compiled by the FBI in Phoenix, AZ during the Clinton administration (see page one and page two of the document). The Phoenix FBI document calls “defenders” of the Constitution “right-wing extremists.”


Constitution Party 2008 presidential and vice presidential candidates Chuck Baldwin and Darrell Castle, along with CP National Chairman Jim Clymer, are available to discuss this disturbing report and the severe limitations it seeks to impose on free speech.


Inquiries regarding this secret report may be made to: MIAC at 866 362 6422.


To see where citizens are encouraged to submit a report that someone could be a “terrorist” click HERE.




Take Action Now!


1. Call the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce  and say you will not be visiting Missouri out of concern of being PROFILED.
(314) 231-5555

2. Call the St. Louis Convention and Visitors Commission and tell them you won't visit Missouri because of "political profiling". (800) 325-7962

3. Call the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) and tell them their smear campaign is not acceptable.(866) 362-6422 and (573)-526-6115


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Please visit our website at  

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Conspiracy Never Dies (when it's fueled properly)

Another interesting link that some will regard as truth and others will regard as fiction.

Q. Was the destruction of the Twin Towers a "False Flag" operation by the government of the United States?
A. No Freaking Clue!

Q. Did the Israelis vacate the twin towers the weekend before 9/11/01?
A. No Earthly Idea!

Q. Did a secret "security sweep" of the Twin Towers on the weekend before 9/11/01 allow explosives and thermite to be installed in the Twin Towers?
A. No Way I Could Know That!

Q. Did building 7 fall live on the BBC news nearly 10 minuets AFTER they announced it had fallen even though there was no damage to that building?
A. Dunno, All I Saw Was The Footage On YouTube.

Q. Did Building 7 contain most of the SEC files related to Enron and also house a CIA operation that was entirely destroyed even though there was no damage to that building before it collapsed into the ground?
A. Sounds like a bad Hollywood script, but I still have no idea since I've never been to Building 7 or even seen it in person.

However, these theories seem to live on.  Are they true?  Are they propaganda?  Why do so many people assume that they are true?  Why do so many people assume that they are false?

Although I'm interested in the various theories, I wasn't there and cannot presume to know what did or didn't happen.  If I had a wish, it would be to know what actually happened instead of living with a mixture of wild conspiracy theory and government misinformation.

I understand that the government has to give us something other than the facts and the truth in order to protect national security and ensure as much public calm as possible.  However, the misinformation has created a breeding ground for conspiracy theory.

If a nuke device was set off under the Twin Towers, then the government would obviously not want anybody to know about that even if they didn't do it themselves.  Thermite, C4, and who knows what else (mini nuke is often cited for Twin Towers and Oklahoma City) come up in conversations about how these two steel buildings are the only ones in the history of modern engineering to collapse from fire damage.  This is particularly exciting to conspiary theorists as no building has ever collapsed from less than 20 hours of inferno and did not collapse entirely or make a straight fall to the ground.

Anyway, interesting to read, both sides are too far fetched to believe, and we'll not know the truth in our lifetimes.  But, at least we get to continue in the adventure of questioning what we're told and trying to find some reality in between the lines.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Know It's True, I Read It On Wikipedia!!!!

In general, Wikipedia is a great source for general information. In most cases, the information found there is somewhat accurate.  However, wikipedia, like most information stores, is not the "end all be all" of fact.

There was once a time, when the Internet consisted primarily of factual data.  This would be before the commercialization of the Internet and the ability of anybody with a computer to post. We've all heard (or jokingly said) "I found it on the Internet so it must be true".

The parasitic nature of online activism has come to fracture the foundations of information stores such as Wikipedia.

- Facts are replaced by opinions
- Inconvenient facts are omitted
- Agendas are being sold as truth

As Wikipedia gained enough popularity for everybody to tuck it into their toolboxes (seems like yesterday there was no google or wikipedia), it also became subject to the tainting that occurs with all good things.

Although it's uncertain if Wikipedia was intended as a harbor of activism and agenda based fact twisting, the current truth is that people are abusing it.  Unfortunately, anti-American activism is more likely to be acceptable while pro-American activism is quickly "cleaned up".

In short, people need to understand that impartiality is not a given on Wikipedia.  Additionally, pro-American concepts need to be defended when they are removed and added where they are absent.

Monday, March 2, 2009

No Taxation Without Representation

Representation: The action or fact of one person standing for another so as to have the rights and obligations of the person(s) represented.

Represent To take the place of in some respect. To act in the place of or for usually by legal right. To Manage the legal and business affairs of.  To serve especially in a legislative body by delegated authority usually resulting from election.

The current taxation actions DO NOT fit within this scope.  As such, they are a violation of the constitution.  In order to make the current actions adhere to the constitution, we must redefine the word "representation".

Our governments current definition would have to be changed like this:

Representation(usgov):  Ignoring the will, needs, and rights of the people in order to pass a laundry list of agenda items that had previously not been allowed simply because you can now get enough votes.

The people are not being represented in these bills.  Sound economics are not present in these bills.  The constitution is not being upheld or protected by these bills.  Given that our Military is sworn to protect the constitution, it would be a great news day to see them storm the White House and Congress and clean up this mess they way the founders would have wanted.

No wonder they don't want the people to have a 2nd amendment.  The actions being taken by our government are getting increasingly close to what the 2nd amendment was designed to prevent.

The Mortgage Crisis

The mortgage crisis could not have been an accident. The people that "approved" the mortgages KNEW that:

  1. Were going to have prohibitive payments in 12 to 24 months
  2. Were going to be on property worth far less than what they sold for within 12 to 24 months
  3. Would be forclosed on because they couldn't sell for the amount of the mortgage

Bankers blame it on homeowners making bad decisions or not having foresight. However, those bankers get very uncomfortable when you point out that these mortgage were all approved by bankers that get PAID to know the market and it's trends.

When you point out that regular people like you and I saw this coming back in 2004/2005, they start to tap their fingers and look around nervously.

The short answer is that they set us up and we don't know "why".

Mortgages traditionally require people prove they can make the payments even when the market is not headed down. The banks knew exactly what they were doing...

The Media On It's Knees

Why is it that the mainstream media is clamoring on their knees in front of Obama as if their unwarranted affection will somehow lower his zipper and give them what they so desperately seem to want?