Saturday, September 6, 2008

Early, but: Sarah for President

Yes, I understand that Sarah Palin is the VP nominee. As such, there is no guarantee she will become VP let alone President. However, there is the chance that her nomination has woken a REAL sense of HOPE and a legitimate opportunity for CHANGE.

However, lets assume that McCain and Palin win this November. There is little expectation that McCain will be a two term president. In some circles, there is little expectation that McCain will live long enough to server a full term.

Regardless of how that plays out, a McCain/Palin win in 08 would likely be the beginning of Palins election in 2012 (running against Hillary of course).

Of course she would probably have no competition if she were to have to fill in for McCain for health related issues during their first term. But, if she didn't, I'm pretty confident that she could play her cards right, get some action instead of talk, and have the entire country BEGGING her to run in 2012.

So, there you have it. My latest conspiracy theory. Of course the conspiracy this time is that not only is America ready for a woman president, but we're ready for the RIGHT woman president. Take that how you will, but we truly seem to be on the verge of a good thing here.

The Survival of Sarah Palin

Of course the democrats (and everybody else that hates republicans) are scrambling to find a way to discredit Palin without going against all of their usual "talking points".

They can't discredit her for being a woman because until Obama was up in the mix, they were pretty keen on Hillary and the concept of having a woman in office.

They can't discredit her on experience because she has more political experience than Obama. The unimportance they attribute to experience because of Obama's lack of experience prevents them from making a credible argument against somebody with more experience.

They can't discredit her on track record, as Obamas track record consists of a lot of voting "present". If anything, his track record is protecting his image.

They can't discredit her on her speaking ability because she's spot on. Besides, they don't need a lot of attention on the fact that Obama looks as if he's done little more than memorize the mannerisms and speaking techniques of JKF and MLK.

Of course, the only thing left to discredit her is the fact that she's republican. That is where she deviates from what they like. Unfortunately for them, that is exactly what the country seems to like about her.

Further more, she is a hard to discredit candidate because the democrats have been preaching "change" and "hope". The democrats have a track record of "talk" when it comes to these words. I'm suprised that people still take them seriously given that they also have a track record of inaction on the subject. However, Sarah Palin has a track record of making change instead of just talking about it.

Her own ability to "do" as opposed to just "talk" is the key to her survive. The detractors will have to settle for pithy tabloid trash if they want to attack her. Where the rubber meets the road, she's already moving...

The Mortgage Crisis

The mortgage crisis could not have been an accident. The people that "approved" the mortgages KNEW that:

  1. Were going to have prohibitive payments in 12 to 24 months
  2. Were going to be on property worth far less than what they sold for within 12 to 24 months
  3. Would be forclosed on because they couldn't sell for the amount of the mortgage

Bankers blame it on homeowners making bad decisions or not having foresight. However, those bankers get very uncomfortable when you point out that these mortgage were all approved by bankers that get PAID to know the market and it's trends.

When you point out that regular people like you and I saw this coming back in 2004/2005, they start to tap their fingers and look around nervously.

The short answer is that they set us up and we don't know "why".

Mortgages traditionally require people prove they can make the payments even when the market is not headed down. The banks knew exactly what they were doing...

The Media On It's Knees

Why is it that the mainstream media is clamoring on their knees in front of Obama as if their unwarranted affection will somehow lower his zipper and give them what they so desperately seem to want?