Saturday, January 31, 2009
No Wonder Obama Loves The Stimulus Package
No wonder Obama loves the so called "Stimulus Package". The package is filled with spending. While it would more appropriately be named a Social Works package, Stimulus is a nice buzzword and who would be against that?
But, rather than spend too much time talking about how the largest spending package in the history of our country is being named in a misleading manner in order to create partisan discourse and skew public opinion, lets just contemplate why obama likes it.
basicly; taxes are for little people to pay
Yes, another Obama nominee has taken it upon himself to pay his taxes AFTER being informed that he was picked for a position. Although we already knew that Democrats like to "give away the store" and spend money as if we had it, we are now getting some insight into why they do not spend it in a responsible manner.
I'm sure that anyone you know would be interested in paying their neighbors mortgage, buying condoms for strangers kids, installing new sprinklers at the courhouse, etc... as long as they were given the credit cards of Obama, Daschele, or Geithner.
The only package this can stimulate is the one that Obama wants to shove into the backsides of the Middle Class...
But, rather than spend too much time talking about how the largest spending package in the history of our country is being named in a misleading manner in order to create partisan discourse and skew public opinion, lets just contemplate why obama likes it.
basicly; taxes are for little people to pay
Yes, another Obama nominee has taken it upon himself to pay his taxes AFTER being informed that he was picked for a position. Although we already knew that Democrats like to "give away the store" and spend money as if we had it, we are now getting some insight into why they do not spend it in a responsible manner.
I'm sure that anyone you know would be interested in paying their neighbors mortgage, buying condoms for strangers kids, installing new sprinklers at the courhouse, etc... as long as they were given the credit cards of Obama, Daschele, or Geithner.
The only package this can stimulate is the one that Obama wants to shove into the backsides of the Middle Class...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Britney Spears says everybody wants to "F U C K Me"
wow, so i guess her career has dumped so far into the crapper that the only way she can get attention is to pull an old 2 Live Crew stunt from the 80's and put some "parental advisory" type lyrics in a song and get her chunky butt back in the news.
hey, it sells albums. kids eat up this kinda stuff like aderall, ritalin, and extacy.
but the interesting thing is how the line "If you seek Amy" doesnt even fit in the song as if to accidentally garner attention. It's just thrown in as a thinly if at all veiled way to have Disneys superstar gone retarded say that everybody wants to fuck me.
too funny. at least she has gone the way of the genie in a bottle and sold out the last remaining drop of fame she once had in an effort to get back on the news before she overdoses on something and fades into oblivion...
hey, it sells albums. kids eat up this kinda stuff like aderall, ritalin, and extacy.
but the interesting thing is how the line "If you seek Amy" doesnt even fit in the song as if to accidentally garner attention. It's just thrown in as a thinly if at all veiled way to have Disneys superstar gone retarded say that everybody wants to fuck me.
too funny. at least she has gone the way of the genie in a bottle and sold out the last remaining drop of fame she once had in an effort to get back on the news before she overdoses on something and fades into oblivion...
Hillary Illegaly Appointed Secretary of State
Too funny. Pretty clear though. Is this an accident or just more evidence that the Democrats don't care about the Constitution at all???
Article I Section 6:
Article I Section 6:
No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office.
Blago is Gone
so the vote is in and the downtrodden governor is out.
the greatest thing about this is the precedent that has been set. now "We The People" have a reason to expect that our politicians are now supposed to function by certain rules that have been ignored for generations assuming they have ever been followed.
So, when do we start cleaning house? There are a LOT of governors, senators, representatives, etc that should be next. Republican and Democrat alike. Lets hold them all accountable!
Why stop at one goofy governor in a state famous for corruption? If we're gonna pick one, we need to start picking them all off!
c'mon people, lets get the tar and feathers out and march on washington and our respective state capitols.
the greatest thing about this is the precedent that has been set. now "We The People" have a reason to expect that our politicians are now supposed to function by certain rules that have been ignored for generations assuming they have ever been followed.
So, when do we start cleaning house? There are a LOT of governors, senators, representatives, etc that should be next. Republican and Democrat alike. Lets hold them all accountable!
Why stop at one goofy governor in a state famous for corruption? If we're gonna pick one, we need to start picking them all off!
c'mon people, lets get the tar and feathers out and march on washington and our respective state capitols.
stimulus package = WTF???
At what point did the stimulus package become bastardized to the point that it's an open checkbook for any and every pet project known to Democrats?
As a traditional thinking human being that was fortunate enough to be born in America, I have specific view on stimulus. When the personal finances of the average American begin to suffer, we tend to watch what we spend money on. In a perfect world we do that anyway. However, we are a lot more likely to go to best buy and pickup a new TV, Entertainment System, Computer, Game System, Video Camera, etc when we have disposable cash or at least a steady supply of direct deposits from a company that's not in trouble.
However, when your company starts performing layoffs, or profit margins are down, or outsourcing is hitting your industry, people tend to pay attention to things like Electricity, Gas, Water, Food, and Car Payments. Our government for some reason has a problem understanding what expendable and core income are. If we are truly in an economic disaster, every penny that would go to Convenience should go to core economic needs.
Hundreds of millions of dollars on birth control, abortion, art, etc should be part of a social development package, not an economic stimulus package. Although many Americans understand this, how long before all of us realize that tagging pet programs into important issues is detrimental?
How many of us would take our last $100, drive past the grocery store with hungry kids in the car and proceed to CompUSA for a new USB Hard Drive?
Why is that only the Americans in distress have an understanding of what makes the economy work?
The real stimulus package would be deny all work visas, kick foreign workers out until we get our problems handled, and tax companies so heavily for outsourcing work to other countrys that it becomes cost prohibitive to send whats left of our GNP overseas.
We have nurtured corporate greed so handily that illegal immigration and outsourcing are the norm. We are finally seeing what it feels like when the chickens come home to roost...
As a traditional thinking human being that was fortunate enough to be born in America, I have specific view on stimulus. When the personal finances of the average American begin to suffer, we tend to watch what we spend money on. In a perfect world we do that anyway. However, we are a lot more likely to go to best buy and pickup a new TV, Entertainment System, Computer, Game System, Video Camera, etc when we have disposable cash or at least a steady supply of direct deposits from a company that's not in trouble.
However, when your company starts performing layoffs, or profit margins are down, or outsourcing is hitting your industry, people tend to pay attention to things like Electricity, Gas, Water, Food, and Car Payments. Our government for some reason has a problem understanding what expendable and core income are. If we are truly in an economic disaster, every penny that would go to Convenience should go to core economic needs.
Hundreds of millions of dollars on birth control, abortion, art, etc should be part of a social development package, not an economic stimulus package. Although many Americans understand this, how long before all of us realize that tagging pet programs into important issues is detrimental?
How many of us would take our last $100, drive past the grocery store with hungry kids in the car and proceed to CompUSA for a new USB Hard Drive?
Why is that only the Americans in distress have an understanding of what makes the economy work?
The real stimulus package would be deny all work visas, kick foreign workers out until we get our problems handled, and tax companies so heavily for outsourcing work to other countrys that it becomes cost prohibitive to send whats left of our GNP overseas.
We have nurtured corporate greed so handily that illegal immigration and outsourcing are the norm. We are finally seeing what it feels like when the chickens come home to roost...
obama extends a hand to republicans
Obama received applause and kudos from Americans for extending a hand to Republicans and attempting to initiate non-partisan solutions to the problems facing our country.
However, not only was his hand as empty as his plan to accomplish anything "productive" and "good" for our country, it was as empty as "show" of non-partisanship.
Unfortunatly, the Obamites that have drank the coolaid and require grand speeches instead of substance don't see through the fog. They think that because he "said" he was reaching out that it must be true.
However, it is as true as any liar that pretends to "listen". His agenda was not flexible. The core problems the Republicans had with the stimulus packate were ignored. In fact, he turned his outstretched hand around and delivered it to the face of every "thinking" American by saying that "I Won" as if that makes faulty logic and detrimental programs somehow "OK" all of the sudden.
If High School antics, attitude, and drama are what our president views as reaching out and working with Republicans then he will be a fantastic failure even if the media figures that love him so much lie to the American public on his behalf.
Reaching out is not telling others that their reservations and opposition to programs is to be ignored because "he won" Reaching out is not sitting down at the same table and offering socialism to Americans that know better.
We really might have made a mistake with this guy. His inexperience and arrogance are exactly what this country DOES NOT need at this juncture. The American citizens can only hope that he wakes up and realized that there is more to fixing our problems than empty words and sitting at tables with your eyes and ears shut to anything contrary to what you thought was right in your infinate ignorance.
America is not a neighborhood in Chicago. America has problems significantly more diverse than a single community. Our economy is on the brink of disaster and the Liberal mindset is something that only works when we have the resources and convenience to indulge the masses.
However, not only was his hand as empty as his plan to accomplish anything "productive" and "good" for our country, it was as empty as "show" of non-partisanship.
Unfortunatly, the Obamites that have drank the coolaid and require grand speeches instead of substance don't see through the fog. They think that because he "said" he was reaching out that it must be true.
However, it is as true as any liar that pretends to "listen". His agenda was not flexible. The core problems the Republicans had with the stimulus packate were ignored. In fact, he turned his outstretched hand around and delivered it to the face of every "thinking" American by saying that "I Won" as if that makes faulty logic and detrimental programs somehow "OK" all of the sudden.
If High School antics, attitude, and drama are what our president views as reaching out and working with Republicans then he will be a fantastic failure even if the media figures that love him so much lie to the American public on his behalf.
Reaching out is not telling others that their reservations and opposition to programs is to be ignored because "he won" Reaching out is not sitting down at the same table and offering socialism to Americans that know better.
We really might have made a mistake with this guy. His inexperience and arrogance are exactly what this country DOES NOT need at this juncture. The American citizens can only hope that he wakes up and realized that there is more to fixing our problems than empty words and sitting at tables with your eyes and ears shut to anything contrary to what you thought was right in your infinate ignorance.
America is not a neighborhood in Chicago. America has problems significantly more diverse than a single community. Our economy is on the brink of disaster and the Liberal mindset is something that only works when we have the resources and convenience to indulge the masses.
Monday, January 19, 2009
txt message of the day
so i'm minding my own business, working out in the shop when my phone lets me know there is a txt message. as i open the screen, it reads:
Happy James Earl Ray day!
After a moment of confusion, I realize this has to be associated to MLK in some manner. My first thought was that MLK was a made up name like the guy that invented kwanzaa in prison in the 60s. i know he changed his name after he got out of prison and tried to screw up christmas for the whitey that he hated so much.
So, i did a little google search, and realized quickly that james earl ray was not the birthname of MLK but rather the name of the guy that assassinated him. Of course, this txt came from a friend in califorina. so to everybody that thinks only rednecks live in oklahoma, there must be some that snuck into california. dont be so suprised. from what i see on the news, califorina lets anybody sneak in. it's kinda a california thing ya know!
Happy James Earl Ray day!
After a moment of confusion, I realize this has to be associated to MLK in some manner. My first thought was that MLK was a made up name like the guy that invented kwanzaa in prison in the 60s. i know he changed his name after he got out of prison and tried to screw up christmas for the whitey that he hated so much.
So, i did a little google search, and realized quickly that james earl ray was not the birthname of MLK but rather the name of the guy that assassinated him. Of course, this txt came from a friend in califorina. so to everybody that thinks only rednecks live in oklahoma, there must be some that snuck into california. dont be so suprised. from what i see on the news, califorina lets anybody sneak in. it's kinda a california thing ya know!
Friday, January 16, 2009
why can't i do markups like this?
so, one of my laptops has been running a little warm, the puppy chewed the power cable, and the kids spilled some sprite on the keyboard.
although not a serious multi-thousand dollar unit, it.'s a decent laptop, a cpl years old now, and was under a grand at best buy new. of course i upgraded the ram since they never put enough in w/o raising the price way more than the cost of the new ram. but, i digress.
so, the kids killed my keyboard. a sprite incident left me with some keys that stick now and again, or if you type w/o looking, you'll end up noticing that random letters are missing from what you "thought" you typed. so, i figured i'd at least check and see what a new keyboard costs.
then, i noticed that unless i had my laptop on a solid flat surface with plenty of airflow (you know, how you should always use them) that it would get hot and lockup. since i often used it sitting down, or on the couch, the lack of airflow would cause it to lockup.
then there is the puppy thing. right at the base of the ac adapter, it's a little bit sparky when the wire moves. they chewed my wife's adapter in the middle of the cord, so i was able to mend that somewhat. so with this one, i just unplug it before i move it since i cant move the computer w/o overheating it anyway.
well, since both my wife and i often need something more mobile and reliable than what the hp dv5000 i have provides, we looked into buying all the parts to get everything back to 100%, which means both computers need adapters, batteries, and keyboard. turns out, replacement parts are marked up like no tomorrow. cheap price to get the laptop, but they get you back on the parts..
so, we figured it was a good time to pickup a couple of the dell mini 9 (insperon 910) units. she has white, i have black. as my hp is upside down underneath the mini9, i type this post.
so, back to the point. the laptop cant be purchased in the same cart as the keybard, fan, adapter, but it should be about 120 to 150 bux.
Part you are ordering
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Part List
(USD) Defective
Core Charge
(USD) Net
(USD) Qty Total
407807-001 Part is in stock.
CPU fan assembly Pavilion 42.45 0.00 42.45 1 42.45
407857-001 Part is in stock.
Keyboard assembly - 88 keys 101-key compatible with Windows key - Integrated 10-key numeric keypad Pavilion 70.30 0.00 70.30 1 70.30
417220-001 Part is in stock. View a picture of this part.
AC adapter 65-watt - Input voltage 110-240VAC, 50-60Hz - Output voltage 18.5VDC, 3.5A - With power factor correction PFC technology - Requires separate 3-wire AC power cord with C5 connector 65.55 0.00 65.55 1 65.55
Order subtotal (USD): 178.30
add the battery to that, and it costs more than my insperon 910 new.
to add some fun to that, they also offer a cr203Part you are ordering
Show parts Show parts
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Part List
(USD) Defective
Core Charge
(USD) Net
(USD) Qty Total
407807-001 Part is in stock.
CPU fan assembly Pavilion 42.45 0.00 42.45 1 42.45
407857-001 Part is in stock.
Keyboard assembly - 88 keys 101-key compatible with Windows key - Integrated 10-key numeric keypad Pavilion 70.30 0.00 70.30 1 70.30
417220-001 Part is in stock. View a picture of this part.
AC adapter 65-watt - Input voltage 110-240VAC, 50-60Hz - Output voltage 18.5VDC, 3.5A - With power factor correction PFC technology - Requires separate 3-wire AC power cord with C5 connector 65.55 0.00 65.55 1 65.55
Order subtotal (USD): 178.30 2 batter for $77.30
this particular battery can be found at walmart less than 5 bux, or on the internet in bulk for about a dollar.
that's some serious markup. can i go to mcdonlads, get hired at 6 bux an hour, then ask for 66 bux an hour? i wouldn't mind flipping burgers for 66 bux an hour. might be kinda fun. you know, like high school with a useable paycheck.
although not a serious multi-thousand dollar unit, it.'s a decent laptop, a cpl years old now, and was under a grand at best buy new. of course i upgraded the ram since they never put enough in w/o raising the price way more than the cost of the new ram. but, i digress.
so, the kids killed my keyboard. a sprite incident left me with some keys that stick now and again, or if you type w/o looking, you'll end up noticing that random letters are missing from what you "thought" you typed. so, i figured i'd at least check and see what a new keyboard costs.
then, i noticed that unless i had my laptop on a solid flat surface with plenty of airflow (you know, how you should always use them) that it would get hot and lockup. since i often used it sitting down, or on the couch, the lack of airflow would cause it to lockup.
then there is the puppy thing. right at the base of the ac adapter, it's a little bit sparky when the wire moves. they chewed my wife's adapter in the middle of the cord, so i was able to mend that somewhat. so with this one, i just unplug it before i move it since i cant move the computer w/o overheating it anyway.
well, since both my wife and i often need something more mobile and reliable than what the hp dv5000 i have provides, we looked into buying all the parts to get everything back to 100%, which means both computers need adapters, batteries, and keyboard. turns out, replacement parts are marked up like no tomorrow. cheap price to get the laptop, but they get you back on the parts..
so, we figured it was a good time to pickup a couple of the dell mini 9 (insperon 910) units. she has white, i have black. as my hp is upside down underneath the mini9, i type this post.
so, back to the point. the laptop cant be purchased in the same cart as the keybard, fan, adapter, but it should be about 120 to 150 bux.
Part you are ordering
Show parts Show parts
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Part List
(USD) Defective
Core Charge
(USD) Net
(USD) Qty Total
407807-001 Part is in stock.
CPU fan assembly Pavilion 42.45 0.00 42.45 1 42.45
407857-001 Part is in stock.
Keyboard assembly - 88 keys 101-key compatible with Windows key - Integrated 10-key numeric keypad Pavilion 70.30 0.00 70.30 1 70.30
417220-001 Part is in stock. View a picture of this part.
AC adapter 65-watt - Input voltage 110-240VAC, 50-60Hz - Output voltage 18.5VDC, 3.5A - With power factor correction PFC technology - Requires separate 3-wire AC power cord with C5 connector 65.55 0.00 65.55 1 65.55
Order subtotal (USD): 178.30
add the battery to that, and it costs more than my insperon 910 new.
to add some fun to that, they also offer a cr203Part you are ordering
Show parts Show parts
Hide parts Hide parts
Part List
(USD) Defective
Core Charge
(USD) Net
(USD) Qty Total
407807-001 Part is in stock.
CPU fan assembly Pavilion 42.45 0.00 42.45 1 42.45
407857-001 Part is in stock.
Keyboard assembly - 88 keys 101-key compatible with Windows key - Integrated 10-key numeric keypad Pavilion 70.30 0.00 70.30 1 70.30
417220-001 Part is in stock. View a picture of this part.
AC adapter 65-watt - Input voltage 110-240VAC, 50-60Hz - Output voltage 18.5VDC, 3.5A - With power factor correction PFC technology - Requires separate 3-wire AC power cord with C5 connector 65.55 0.00 65.55 1 65.55
Order subtotal (USD): 178.30 2 batter for $77.30
this particular battery can be found at walmart less than 5 bux, or on the internet in bulk for about a dollar.
that's some serious markup. can i go to mcdonlads, get hired at 6 bux an hour, then ask for 66 bux an hour? i wouldn't mind flipping burgers for 66 bux an hour. might be kinda fun. you know, like high school with a useable paycheck.
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The Mortgage Crisis
The mortgage crisis could not have been an accident. The people that "approved" the mortgages KNEW that:
- Were going to have prohibitive payments in 12 to 24 months
- Were going to be on property worth far less than what they sold for within 12 to 24 months
- Would be forclosed on because they couldn't sell for the amount of the mortgage
Bankers blame it on homeowners making bad decisions or not having foresight. However, those bankers get very uncomfortable when you point out that these mortgage were all approved by bankers that get PAID to know the market and it's trends.
When you point out that regular people like you and I saw this coming back in 2004/2005, they start to tap their fingers and look around nervously.
The short answer is that they set us up and we don't know "why".
Mortgages traditionally require people prove they can make the payments even when the market is not headed down. The banks knew exactly what they were doing...
The Media On It's Knees
Why is it that the mainstream media is clamoring on their knees in front of Obama as if their unwarranted affection will somehow lower his zipper and give them what they so desperately seem to want?