Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Supporting Obama Is Supporting Terrorism!

If you provide money to the Obama Campaign, you are directly supporting terrorism!

More to the point, if you provide money to any policital campaign, you are directly supporting terrorism.

When undertaking any investigation, you're always told to "follow the money". Although we already know that the utopian "world peace" is not possible given the racial and cultural barriers on our planet, we also know that the wars and police actions of modern society do not occur without help.

Who profits from these actions?

Since WW1, large financial instutions have profited, often making money from both sides of the conflict. In America, the profiteering entered a different type of low with the coordinated bank efforts that crashed the stock market and allowed subversive tactics to hand the money of USA over to the FED.

Our political partys were then converted to smoke and mirrors, a publicly viewable show of nonsense where nothing gets done that's not ordained by the powers that be.

To this day, our political system is a distration which occupies the thoughts and minds of Americans while the real power, behind the scenes, continues without check or balance.

As we enter new elections, we can easily get caught up in the candidates. However, we are forgetting that these candidates do what they are told when elected, and the very process of making a big deal about them keeps us "talking" about thing instead of getting them done.

Supporting this financially is giving money to the terrorist that control the puppets we call candidates.

And don't forget, if we learned anything from JFK, it's that breaking ranks and not doing what you're told as president is a sure way to get yourself killed.

Long story short, by engaging in politics and ignoring the fact that it's a grand illusion, we are directly supporting the people that know us as sheep while they continue to steal our land and profit from killing our children under false pretense.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Who Owns Your House?

If you're a renter, you may think this is an easy question. You probably think it's the guy that you're renting from. If you're a "home owner", you probably think it's still an easy answer. Either you think you own it, or you (more closer to the truth) think that the bank you have your mortgage through owns it.

However, those answers are wrong in all cases. The people that control the money issued in our country are the ones that own the land. They have the power (and have exercised it in the past) to take your land, even if you own it outright and carry no mortgage.

The government essentialy own and controls everything. Or so we'd be led to think. However, the government is "owned" by the larger financial institutions, particularly "The FED" that we hear so much about. You know, the group that supposedly "insures" the money that we call "ours".

The money belongs to the FED, and the people that control the money control everything.

The Necessary Evils

Democrats: The overly good guy that want's to help everybody out regardless of how much it hurts society in the long run.

Republicans: The money grubbing power mongers that love kicking the little guy and enforcing demanding rules about everything from murder to morality.

In one corner, you have the supposeded camp for preserving our nation, it's people, and it's economy. In the other corner, we have the supposed camp for giving away everything, ignoring and cheapening the sacrifices of our forefathers, and leading society down a path to destruction in exchange for some short lived victorys.

However, we've seen in history that our two party system does little more than provide a distration. These two partys fight over everything, do little or nothing, and allow the real powers to continue doing their things in the background w/o attention.

Why would the American people allow the government to be taken over by unnamed individuals if they actualy knew it was happening? Without the smoke and mirrors of the two party system, "we the people" might actualy notice that type of thing instead of bickering about who get's a blowjob in the whitehouse or who gave a friend a free pass out of trouble.

Yes, the people with the money (hence the control of our country and ultimate ownership of the land we rent under the guise of mortgages) continue to do their thing behind the closed doors of a private banking corperation w/o even having their names listed.

Welcome to the party people, as we spend millions of dollars in simply determining "who" will be on the ticket, the machine turns yet another revolutions and we're still too busy staring at the curtain to begin to wake up and realize that there is somebody behind it. . .

Friday, April 25, 2008

About The Blogosphere

Ewww, not the blogosphere! Better put our ears to the blogosphere and see what people are saying? Considering the random blatherings of the average blogger, that would be as informative as trending the music purchases of 12yr olds. You can guess they are probably buying a lot of Hannah Montana and no so much Rolling Stones.

So which pretentious asshole decided he was cool enough to become a cyberlebrity by calling the digressive thoughts of morons (like you and me) some quirky little homosexual sounding term like "blogosphere".

Why not just call it the Assholes&ElbowSphere?

The next time I hear the term Bolgosphere i'm gonna loose it. Kinda like people saying "Newbie" all the damned time. fuggin newbs...


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Why do people care about Election 2008?

For whatever reason, the people are still donating to the various campaigns.

I'm not sure if it's the constant email from each candidate saying "you've helped so much, don't stop now, please send money" or if they think the President of the United States actualy has power.

Until a member of the FED is president, we're just hiring a yes man and a publicist for the people that realy run the country behind the scenes. The election process is a grown up version of Survivor or American Idol for voters.

Of course, many have resigned themselves to the fact that we simply have no choice for president in this election (even if it mattered who were to be elected). They acknowledge that if Obama were not BLACK, he would be ignored by everybody. However, the fact that he's black allows people to shove an otherwise smarmy used car salesman type down the throats of everybody with a tinge of "white guilt". However, I don't have white guilt as i've never owned a slave. They also acknowledge that if Hillary were not a woman (open to argument if she is or not) she would not be in the race. Her last name and the fact that we can rally around "America hasn't had a woman president" enough to get interest are the only things keeping her on the TV.

Then to the other side, McCain is just about as interesting as voting for an unknown high school teacher from Wyoming. He's the third Democrat on the ticket, hence the propensity for Conservatives to overlook him as running in the first place.

Fred Thompson, yes, i'll say it again, would have been the PERFECT president. He's an adequate actor, can read scripts, and is entertaining. The bankers realy screwed the pooch when they let him out of the race...

The Mortgage Crisis

The mortgage crisis could not have been an accident. The people that "approved" the mortgages KNEW that:

  1. Were going to have prohibitive payments in 12 to 24 months
  2. Were going to be on property worth far less than what they sold for within 12 to 24 months
  3. Would be forclosed on because they couldn't sell for the amount of the mortgage

Bankers blame it on homeowners making bad decisions or not having foresight. However, those bankers get very uncomfortable when you point out that these mortgage were all approved by bankers that get PAID to know the market and it's trends.

When you point out that regular people like you and I saw this coming back in 2004/2005, they start to tap their fingers and look around nervously.

The short answer is that they set us up and we don't know "why".

Mortgages traditionally require people prove they can make the payments even when the market is not headed down. The banks knew exactly what they were doing...

The Media On It's Knees

Why is it that the mainstream media is clamoring on their knees in front of Obama as if their unwarranted affection will somehow lower his zipper and give them what they so desperately seem to want?